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Supergan, Patricia W – ORLAND PARK

    Judge Supergan, Patricia W has made 100 decisions at the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) in ORLAND PARK. Out of those 100 decisions, 65 were approved and 35 were denied. The approval rating of this judge is 59%. The information below for Judge Supergan, Patricia W is for the current fiscal year.

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    Felt like a criminal for being disabled

    Rated 2.0 out of 5
    November 11, 2022

    At my first hearing, I thought the judge hated my lawyer, but at the second (I had to go to the Appeals Council because her denial was outside the law), I was questioned like a criminal. She made it sound like I wasn’t disabled because I was able to visit my mom and daughter once or twice a year. These trips had me in a wheelchair for travel, and then spending time with my family.Show more

    She also wanted to know the last time I went anywhere. I explained it was an overnight in Chicago (2 hours away), with someone else driving, my mobility scooter, dinner and a night in a hotel. She gave me a dirty look I’ll never forget.

    In the end, she had no reason not to approve me with multiple illnesses and heading into my second major back surgery in a year. She did, however, take away 3-1/2 years of backpay because I visited my family and, she claimed, I was well enough to go on a Mexican vacation, where I hurt my ankle. The work trip to Mexico was actually years before I even filed for disability.

    I grew up with disabled parents, who worked as long as they could. They did go on trips in wheelchairs and went out to dinner often. Had I really gone on a “Mexican vacation” that would have been fine for a disabled person to do. I know my days of horseback riding, dancing, and even walking on the beach, are over.

    I will be paying off those lost years of backpay for a long time, as I used on my charge cards for so long while I waited for disability.

    Most of my time these days is spent at the hospital (where I am now), but I really hope that Judge Supergan realizes that disabled people can have lives and still be unable to work a full time job.

    Marcia Lynn